Looking after your mental health
We at Perfectly Imperfect take a holistic approach to health.
You may ask why? Well… we all have physical health and we all have mental health. It is equally important to address both. There is no health without mental health.
The most accurate way to view mental health is that we all have it! It can fluctuate between thriving….struggling… and being ill. It is fluid and changeable and is affected by life events and life stages. looking after your mental health is key to your wellbeing. Keeping stress in check is a key feature to maintaining positive mental health.
Mental ill health is a bigger disease burden on our society than any physical condition. Mental ill health can affect someone’s education, working life, applying for jobs and remaining in work. It can affect relationships, and the ability to lead a meaningful life.
Our training consultancy is here to support you to manage wellbeing proactively and minimise the impact of mental ill health on work and life. We will work alongside you to deliver training that compliments and enhances your existing wellbeing strategy, if you have one. If you don’t, we’ll get you started on that journey and guide you along the way.